Bitcoin Safekeeping

Crypto-coin paper wallet exampleBitcoin and other Crypto currencies allow users to Be Their Own Bank, but being foolish or lax with security can prove very dangerous for those bankers-to-be. We explain how advanced users keep their Crypto coins safe and introduce tools and services available for Bitcoin and other Crypto currency owners.

Best and Safest Way

Despite what the media — and even mainstream bitcoiners, or at least the loudest ones! — keep telling you, the best solution is not the Trezor wallet or any other gadgetty hardware solution, however neat it may look. Don’t fall for shiny object syndrome here. The best way is a, literally, not at all shiny one — namely a simple paper wallet.

What Is a Paper Wallet, Anyway?

A paper wallet is a simple piece of paper, printed out on any computer printer (but preferably one without WiFi or any other smart or wireless capabilities — the dumber the better)! What’s not quite as simple about paper wallets is the underlying cryptography as well as other technological aspects involved. As a Crypto user, you do not have to worry about any of these though.

How You Do This

In fact, you do not have to stress out over any of the things happening in the background, The only thing you need to do is properly generate your paper wallet. Basic steps for this involve loading a paper-wallet generator website for your coin, disconnect your computer (and printer) from the internet (also turn off WiFi or any other local wireless connections that might act as a backdoor), then move your mouse around to create randomness (usually your progress is displayed on your screen), and print out your resulting paper wallet (or list of key pairs, depending on which format or type you have chosen).

Make Sure to Do This Properly — and Safely

Also make sure to put away all cellphones with cameras to also prevent these from eavesdropping; nobody must except you see your private-key portion on that paper you print! It’s also a good idea to fold over your paper wallets immediately, private key down. Afterwards, you may re-connect your devices, strip off any tape over cameras or what not.

That’s it — you now have a paper wallet. Note that different coins have different wallets (following from the different encryption mechanisms and other Block-index features of the different coins). You don’t have to worry about that either, but only make sure you follow the obvious steps of using the proper wallet generator for the coin you want to store.

Asset Classes or The Difference Between Paper Assets and Commodities

Asset classes, tangibles symbolized by precious metalsBusiness persons and investors use to distinguish between four major asset classes. These asset classes are Business, Real Estate, Paper Assets, and Commodities.

The reason for separating these four asset classes is that these four types of assets perform differently throughout different periods of the economic cycle.

It is crucial to understand the different asset classes’ different characteristics or “personalities” in order to make informed investment decisions. Today’s mass media and business or investment publications, however, do a great job of blurring the view of these, in fact, simple characteristics and mislead investors by an enormous load of background noise or outright stupid news. This happens for two reasons: (1) publications often have a vested interest in certain kinds of investments and want to “please” their ad clients and (2) the enormous speed at which these publications and their “payload” content need to be produced by junior employees or third-class journalists. Add to this the fact that commercial ticker content is largely uniform these days and you will understand whether or not it is a good idea to use media content to base investment decisions upon.

Each of the four asset classes have their particular advantages and disadvantages, ranging from complexity to risk and similar aspects. Not all asset classes fit all investors. For example, running a business requires the most effort and is the most people-intensive of the asset classes while providing the greatest profit opportunity as well as control. Paper assets, on the other hand, are the least demanding but normally offer very little control.

A more fundamental aspect though is between paper assets on one hand and commodities on the other. While paper assets do not have any intrinsic value, commodities do (as well as does real estate). The reason for this is that commodities as well as real estate address basic issues human needs (food and shelter) and will, therefore, be in demand as long as there are humans on this planet, The fact that something is of “natural” value means that its value will never go to zero. Prices will fluctuate and will either go up or down or sideways, but they will never go away. The price of shares, on the other hand, may “disappear” in an instant if a company goes bankrupt. On top, bakrupty laws provide that shareholders are compensated last and after all other debts have been settled.

These facts are well known by precious metals investors and these facts are the very reason for precious metals to be considered a safe haven investment. When times get tough and when the risk of bankruptcy increases, the “insurance policy” of holding precious metals becomes more appealing to investors. What exact portion of a portfolio is moved into precious metals is a matter of taste but classic advice usually recommended holding one third of one’s assets in precious metals. It should be noted, however, that diversification is not necessarily prudent and may even prevent profits. Rather, the asset class performing best during a particular period of the economic cycle should be allocated a larger portion.

Remember that “holding precious” metals does not mean to buy Gold or Silver ETFs. These are paper assets, just like stocks and bonds, and come with similar risks associated. Unlike physical precious metals, ETFs do have an inherent counterparty risk (bankruptcy of fund company) as well as systemic risk (everything from cash value and acceptance to the proper functioning of phone or internet connections to bank branches being open for business or ATMs running flawlessly; this means that a myriad of systems that are totally beyond your control need to be fully operational before you can expect to receive any of your money back).

The only thing you can control without any counterparty and systemic risks is the money you hold in your hands. In normal times, this includes the cash (paper money) in your pocket but if there is a currency crisis, not even your dollars or pounds or German reichmarks of 1923 are worth the paper they are printed on.

This is exactly why people buy physical bullion. It is a matter of eliminating all the risks that might materialize in financial or political crises. As banks do not make much money from customers interested in physical bullion, these people are called “Goldbugs” or all sorts of names by loyal bank employees who care about their own job and their employer rather than the customer they purport to serve. A “Goldbug” is actually someone holding gold “no matter what”, whether it is in good times or bad. That is not what is recommended for the precious metals investor, though, as physical bullion is the right investment for those times when it makes sense to load up on the “insurance policy” in order to be covered in case one of the risks above materializes.

Times like these also very easily justify the “cost” of physical bullion which is the premium over spot prices and — if you will — the fictitious interest lost which in light of current interest rates is not much anyway. As this cost is usually recovered by a small move of just a few points in the spot price, holding physical bullion usually “pays” for itself within a very short period of time.

Convenience & Showing Off

Sure, all Crypto coins are the coolest thing around — and conveniently using them is tempting. Showing off and being a great person for having the latest in portable cards, equipment or devices is anyway 

Be aware that most of the convenient or cool toys out there are less secure than the other stuff listed in our Coin Security section. Be sure to use them only for limited amounts or “risk capital” as in you can afford to lose it…

Informed Decisions

Investors will succeed if they do their homework. This homework is primarily about making informed decisions. Without the necessary information, investing success will be mediocre at best or your investments may even suffer losses.

Making Informed Decisions
Informed Decisions require information. Not the kind of “information” — or, rather, infotainment — that you get from the mass media. It may make you FEEL informed but, at the end of the day, you aren’t.

Decisions should always be based upon knowledge and that portion of information given from sources that do not have a vested interest (like e g financial advisors, brokerages or banks) but rather those sources that are not so readily available. In other words, you should have to “find” it yourself rather than being flooded with it (from talking heads on TV, radio, internet commercials or promotional videos; again, all these do have some sort of a vested interest in your investment decisions). Based on the latter ones, investing is bound to be based on mal-informed decisions.

Find a True Source
Only take your information from true sources, from people who do not only Talk the Talk but also Walk the Walk! Did you ever ask yourself if your friendly financial advisor has ever traded any of the investments they recommend? Did you ever wonder if your financial advisor knows any other asset classes beyond the ones they are trying to sell you at on particular given moment? Usually, the answer is No to both, and this should serve as a strong warning already — but they’re giving you “advice”.

Do Not Commit Financial Suicide
Taking financial advice from a “financial” reporter making $40.000 a year in New York City is a sure-fire way to failure. So is taking financial advice from your local bank clerk or broker. The same is true for “financial education” given by the public school system.

The information on this website has been written by people who are investing themselves — long term with lots of success (sometimes spectacular) as well as lots of failures (sometimes equally spectacular)…

Our Experience
Everyone writing here has done it themselves, is in it for a lot more than the current economic cycle, has already seen booms and busts and bubbles — and has gotten smarter in the process.

This may not be on prime-time TV and it may not be as easily accessible as turning on the tube while preparing dinner, but it’s definitely getting you further when it comes to making those Informed Decisions.

Apple Pushing a Proprietary Payments System for iOS

Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) have removed a number of Bitcoin-related iOS applications from their proprietary online App Store. While in some cases, Apple failed to even give a proper reason for their move, other app developers have received notifications from Apple , Inc. that Bitcoin payment functionality, in a stricter sense, needed to be removed for apps to stay “acceptable” for Apple’s platform.

The measure taken by Apple, Inc. has resulted in the extinction of usable payment applications for Bitcoin on Apple iOS devices such as iPhone, iPad or iPod touch for the time being. Only a few apps that show just Bitcoin wallet balances or general prices on Bitcoin exchanges continue to be “permissible” for Apple. The company have, therefore, censored all truly useful Bitcoin applications for the widely used Apple devices out of existence.

This is yet another attempt at a proprietary, corporate-run, centrally-controlled system instead of using state-of-the-art technology, which is decentralized Crypto and private blockchains to deliver decentralized consensus and overall payments operations worldwide at low cost.

This kind of corporate policy has infuriated a large number of mobile device users. As a short-term result, a number of fixes for the problems caused by unavailable official App Store programs supporting full Bitcoin payments functionality have already appeared. Most prominent among these is … These are only functional on jail-broken iOS devices though. (“Jail breaking” means removing existing and re-installing modified versions of the operating system onto original devices in order to circumvent DRM (Digital Restrictions Management) technologies present in standard Apple items.)

Apple, Inc. have a vested interest in electronic payments systems. The reason for Apple fighting Bitcoin is that the company appears to be determined to introduce their own payments system for Apple mobile devices. Apple’s planned system is said to be designed for PoS payments (point-of-sale payments) and to also be suitable for small or micro payments useful, for example, for downloading music or movies from Apple’s proprietary iTunes platform.

Forcing users to not use Bitcoin seems to be “okay” then for a large corporation trying to, obviously increasingly desperately, introduce something they see as the next big thing into the market predominantly for their own good, not the users’ who would certainly benefit much more from using low-cost and reliable Crypto currency payments such as Bitcoin.

Secured Payments Worldwide

Forget about PayPal, forget about Credit Cards, forget about that 19th century dinosaur system S.W.I.F.T sending paper currency using a technology that’s outdated and almost 200 years old. What’s needed is something to help you re-gain control, something cutting out the middleman, particularly banks and their organizations co-operating diligently to siphon off percentages from EVERY transaction. Get rid of the financial Cosa Nostra like credit card companies or PayPal.

The Technology Is Here

The technology is here to put yourself in the driver’s seat, we just need to use it by analyzing the current situation intelligently and deploying appropriate tools and de-centralized control.

Gold & Silver Physical Gold & Silver Articles and Site Content

In this section of the website, you will find a wide range of gold and silver bullion and coin investment questions answered, from how and where to buy and how much to pay to what specific types of precious-metals investments are most recommended and popular among the smart money and professionals investors in the Gold and Silver markets.

Select from the menu above to discover more in-depth articles for Gold and Silver investors and explore a wealth of real-life insights and FREE information on the topic.